Jan 2023 25th May 2020 was the beginning of the end for many passionate football fans in the U.K. On that day George Floyd died during a police arrest in the USA. Top flight professional football teams in England began taking the knee for this black career criminal because of his accidental death which resulted from him committing a crime.
I’d been a committed Arsenal and England fan all of my life until this event which finally turned me off watching football and all other sports for that matter. The MSM and their special interest groups have slowly but surely completely taken over the game which was originally an English working-class phenomenon.
Women presenters, relentless “anti-racism/LGBT” campaigns, and non-stop gambling adverts are the reason I no longer watch football on any MSM network. This has been a vicious anti-white and anti-Christian attack on the English game.
Fast forward to the 2022 World cup, and the same special interest groups dominate the lucrative competition. Plenty of the European national football teams competing in the World cup contain many non-indigenous European players which is also contradictory in itself.
The beautiful English game has been attacked and destroyed from every angle possible. George Floyd and the introduction of taking the knee was the straw that broke the camel’s back for millions of British football fans.
A combination of extreme neo-Marxism and financial vultures have sliced football up beyond repair. Boycott MSM football and don’t drink the LGBT/ BLM/ Feminist Kool-Aid.