The decriminalisation of illegal drugs does not mean the selling of these drugs in shops. NHPUK believe that the lucrative drug trade should be taken away from criminal gangs and put back into the hands of government-controlled doctors. This system would be prescription only to obtain drugs like cannabis, heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamine.
The war against the illegal drug trade in the UK has failed miserably. In the early 1960s when heroin and cocaine were controlled drugs and available from a doctor on prescription legally, there were an estimated 2,500 addicts.
In 1964 heroin and cocaine were made illegal. We now have an estimated 300,000 known heroin and cocaine addicts with the number of unknown addicts probably much higher.
If someone wanted to buy illegal drugs today, it would not be difficult to find a regular drug dealer, so what is the point of them being illegal? This situation only helps the organised crime gangs who want more and more new addicts to earn them more money. This is not a healthy situation for our community.
The illegal drug trade is one of the main driving forces fuelling the knife/gun crime epidemic around the UK. Millions of people won’t use the police to resolve drug-related disputes, which results in parallel societies. This can be resolved by decriminalisation.
National security risk
The vast amount of illegal drug gangs across the UK probably have more firearms than all the UK police forces combined. Many of these drug gangs have direct links with countries who don’t have our nation’s interests at heart. This is a very dangerous situation which is easily preventable.
Billions and billions of pounds have been wasted on police law enforcement, the prison service, Customs and Excise and court services in the war against drugs. This has made no difference whatsoever to the supply of illegal drugs on our streets.
The war on drugs has failed, and our prisons are overcrowded with drug-related criminals serving short and long term sentences. In the USA they tried extremely harsh prison sentences which also failed with even more money needed to keep more people in prison for longer. This also made no difference to the supply of illegal drugs on America’s streets.
Benefits of decriminalisation
All the money saved from police, prison, customs and court services could be channelled into rehabilitation treatment centres and courses for people who wanted to stop their drug addiction.
Crime figures would come down dramatically.
The drugs available would be much safer to use since they’d contain no toxins, which is not always the case with drug dealers. This would also significantly reduce the number of fatal overdoses. Vast amounts of firearms, which are a national security risk, would no longer be required by drug gangs.
We must also recognise that some people want to take drugs, which means it is pointless and a waste of money to force them into a rehabilitation centre.
NHPUK suggestion
NHPUK campaign to implement a 10-year trial period of the decriminalisation of drugs, and if the results are not successful it can be changed back to what we have now.
NHPUK strongly advise people not to take any of the drugs mentioned whether they are decriminalised or not. It is not good for your health, and your body definitely doesn’t need them.
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