NHPUK 100% supports our British farmers.
Our farming policy offers nationalist protectionism to our hard working farming families.
Globalist policy-making combined with fraudulent climate alarmism have brought our farming sector to its knees and our food security has fallen dramatically as a result.
Food security is national security.
We must restore our self-sufficiency and reboot the rural economy as quickly as possible.
A short term rescue package is needed.
Our short term rescue package puts forward a set of policy actions aimed at immediately rebuilding our food security by ensuring both the financial and functioning viability of the sector.
i) A £6 billion annual agricultural budget (index linked to CPI inflation).
ii) Introduce a low interest loan scheme for farming.
iii) Reintroduce the minimum profitable pricing and deficiency payments scheme.
iv) Use import tariffs to protect domestic prices from cheap imports grown to lower welfare and environmental standards.
v) Ensure consumers have a fully informed choice through honesty in food labelling, GMO use, growth hormone use, method of production and method of slaughter (Halal, Kosher or Humane) should all be stated.
vi) The first principle of agricultural policy should be the achievement of maximum agricultural self-sufficiency.
vii) Support tenant farmers through longer term tenancy regulations.
viii) Ban any further commercial solar development on any grade of farmland.
ix) Abolish inheritance tax for everyone. (Once tax avoidance loopholes have been closed down, legislation should be brought forward against the super-rich for the ‘prevention of monopoly land holding’).
x) Place a legal duty on local authorities to increase local food system resilience through encouragement and financial support for small-scale local growers/provision of permanent indoor fresh produce markets/tax and planning easements for farm shops etc.
xi) Repeal the 2008 Climate Change Act and scrap all net zero carbon dioxide and methane reduction targets.
A long term vision for an ‘Agrarian Restoration’ is needed.
Once the short term stabilisation has been accomplished, a new vision for farming is required. We must ensure that our food security can never again be compromised by adversarial political policy, whether it be from the global warming hoax or from those who seek to profit from free trade. Resistance to such attacks must be guaranteed by the very constitutional structure of the farming system that we build for the future. Farmers must become financially independent of the state and they must control the supply chain. Farmers are the true keepers of pastoral power and agricultural knowledge, and they must fully reclaim their sovereignty and fully own and control the means of food production for the nation. They must never again be liable to coercion at the hands of politicised subsidy funding which has shifted the focus away from core food production to the detriment of our food security.
A complete return to independence, freedom, sustainability and core food production is required. To achieve this, the following 4 principles must constitute the plan to achieve the vision of an ‘Agrarian Restoration’:
i) Big farming families. Ensure enough family members are available to not only grow produce but to add value through processing and operate direct to customer retail sales.
ii) Financial Independence. Small state interventionism and an end to subsidy support. End the current false economy ‘cheap food‘ policy and remove political coercion within agriculture through financial independence.
iii) Direct to consumer sales. End supermarket profiteering and monopoly power wielding over farmers, build a more decentralised and resilient supply chain. Farmers must fully own and control all parts of the food production system, including sales.
iv) Return to mixed farming practices. Move away from large-scale monocropping to regenerative focused mixed production systems. This not only fits better with the direct-to-retail model but it aids self reliance in input materials and improves soil health.
There is a tacit constitutional contract between the farm and the nation, it is a bond that must never be broken. To do so is to go against the inherent natural order of design as given to us by Almighty God.
The bond between farm and nation is: ‘The farmer feeds the nation for her loyalty in return’.
The bond is now broken. By deliberate design, a transgression of natural law and the word of God has been forced upon by those who for their own purpose seek to separate us from the truth of his word.
The NHPUK will never be led astray into temptation. We rejoice in the goodness of God and in our love for him.
We give thanks for the soil which supports life and from which Earthly nations, the homes of all peoples, are born.
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